Find inner balance

I help high-achieving working moms reduce stress, set boundaries without the guilt, and find connection and joy

About Yvonne / A propos de Yvonne

Hey, I'm Yvonne.

I'm a mom to two rambunctious joyful boys.

I am a leader, a mentor and an educator.

I grew up in France, live in the US and am proud of my Asian roots.

I'm a recovering perfectionist. I thought I had it all figured out as I was navigating work life, mom life, pandemic life - until I burnt out and felt all the lines blur. Coaching allowed me to find myself again and to find inner calm, presence and joy.

If you feel the same, let me be your compassionate guide!

Real Clients

Your coaching helped me change my perspective and the way I think about things, and to have a healthier relationship with emotions. It was so helpful to start think about things as neutral events and to realize I had the power to control my reactions to them. It was also very, very freeing to realize it was okay to just feel things, especially in these times, and that it was ok to just feel sad or angry without feeling like I had to feel guilty for feeling that way when I have it so much better than others. I've loved this coaching - it has been so helpful for me in what previously seemed like a really difficult period of changes and transitions. I'm very grateful for it and the timing is especially good!

My coaching with Yvonne centered on my frustration with my salary and my goal to receive a raise. She listened deeply and thoughtfully probed to help me better understand the assumptions I was making and how those assumptions were holding me back. She helped prepare me to ask my manager for a raise. I left our coaching with increased confidence and clarity. I did talk to my boss and ended up receiving a much larger annual raise than average at my company (8% vs. 3%). I wholeheartedly recommend Yvonne to anyone looking to get a fresh perspective on tough issues they are facing in their lives.

My marriage has been strengthened. I’m respecting my husband more, & in turn he is respecting me more! We’re actually enjoying each other more. Also, Yvonne taught me how to handle difficult situations with more wisdom. I now walk away with a sense of peace. Previously an argument would come up with a difficult person & I’d resort to a glass of wine, & not sleep well, going over & over the situation in my mind. Now I’m at peace with myself & like the new confidence I’m feeling about handling difficult people!

Yvonne is great, she is professional and a passionate life coach!

You are in good hands.

She works her magic by asking questions to guide you through the process. I had a session which was very personal to me and she provided me with insights and advice that will serve me for many years to come. I highly recommend her for those who need some guidance.





My coaching with Yvonne centered on my frustration with my salary and my goal to receive a raise. She listened deeply and thoughtfully probed to help me better understand the assumptions I was making and how those assumptions were holding me back. She helped prepare me to ask my manager for a raise. I left our coaching with increased confidence and clarity. I did talk to my boss and ended up receiving a much larger annual raise than average at my company (8% vs. 3%). I wholeheartedly recommend Yvonne to anyone looking to get a fresh perspective on tough issues they are facing in their lives.


My marriage has been strengthened. I’m respecting my husband more, & in turn he is respecting me more! We’re actually enjoying each other more. Also, Yvonne taught me how to handle difficult situations with more wisdom. I now walk away with a sense of peace. Previously an argument would come up with a difficult person & I’d resort to a glass of wine, & not sleep well, going over & over the situation in my mind. Now I’m at peace with myself & like the new confidence I’m feeling about handling difficult people!


Your coaching helped me change my perspective and the way I think about things, and to have a healthier relationship with emotions. It was so helpful to start think about things as neutral events and to realize I had the power to control my reactions to them. It was also very, very freeing to realize it was okay to just feel things, especially in these times, and that it was ok to just feel sad or angry without feeling like I had to feel guilty for feeling that way when I have it so much better than others. I've loved this coaching - it has been so helpful for me in what previously seemed like a really difficult period of changes and transitions. I'm very grateful for it and the timing is especially good!


Is This You?

If you’re feeling like you’ve lost yourself, you’re constantly stressed out, you’re overworked, you’re not sure if you’re a good parent, you’re not sure if you’re a good leader -- I see you. I’ll help you do the inner work to reclaim your identity, find work-life balance by setting boundaries without the guilt, improve relationships without changing other people.

My approach is based on complete non-judgment, curiosity and compassion.

1. Define your vision

It's hard to know how and what to change if we don't know where we want to go. We start by defining a clear vision for your goals and aspirations. What's the after? What's the before? What needs to change? This first step alone is immensely powerful. Most of us do this perhaps once at the beginning of a new year - we often ask ourselves WHAT we want to achieve but the key question that's often missing is "how do we want to FEEL?"

2. Bring clarity

We map out all of the obstacles to you achieving that vision. When we get down to it, always, at the root of every obstacle, is the avoidance of a difficult emotion. Perfectionism, imposter syndrome, lack of self-esteem or self-confidence, self-judgment, are frequent obstacles for most of my clients.

3. Access your inner wisdom

We are all ultimately our best guides and advisors, but we often don't know how to access that part of us. My role as a coach is to ask you pointed questions so that you can pause and question your beliefs, revisit your assumptions, and break down mental walls. One of my favorite question is "what would your older self say to your current self?"

Are you ready to create the results you want in your life?

Schedule a FREE coaching session with me today to find out more about my approach and see if we're a good fit. I don't use fear-based marketing tactics and I deeply care about ethics and inclusion in my coaching practice. My clients have had amazing results with just ONE session so imagine what we can do together over a series of sessions! If you are interested in coaching but don't know if it's right for you, or if your mind immediately comes up with tons of obstacles as to why you should not do it, then let's talk!

Book a session with me or email me at:

Book your FREE breakthrough session now!

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